Vision Statement

To be a forest management leader, providing a range of products and benefits to support the livelihood and well-being of all our local communities for future generations.


  • Take a collaborative and innovative approach to sustainable forestry.
  • Build strategic partnerships that achieve a fuller participation of Indigenous peoples in the benefits derived from forestry operations and forest management planning.
  • Provide access to cost effective and quality timber resources that support the needs of local mills and that encourage new entrants into emerging markets.
  • Support self-sustaining communities and their economic diversity.
  • Support the research and adoption of new science and technologies.
  • Ensure that the Missinaibi Forest continues to provide: clean water, wildlife habitat, wilderness, carbon sequestration, recreation opportunities, timber and non-timber products, green energy and space for spiritual health and well-being.

MFMI Shareholders

Missinaibi Forest Management Inc. is a company comprised of four Indigenous communities, three forestry companies, and three municipalities who each have a representative on the board of directors. Mayor of Dubreuilville, Beverly Nantel serves as MFMI’s current President and Hornepayne Lumber Limited’s representative, Richard Groves, serves as MFMI’s Secretary.

Missinaibi Forest Management Inc. has the mandate to plan and implement sustainable forest management activities on the Missinaibi Forest while ensuring our forestry practices respect/reflect the goals and aspirations of our shareholders and directors.

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